PTC Account Maintenance Suggestions
Now it is time to figure out WHY you are here!
Simple Strategy. Start clicking ads everyday and don't miss a day. Get your required clicks before getting referrals.
Rent referrals as soon as you have enough income to rent the minimum number. You can turn on AUTOPAY so your rentals can pay for themselves and remain on your team. Keep renting until you reach about 300, then pause. Make sure to Extend your rented referrals out to 60-90 days to give your account balance time to build.
You are now working to build enough income to UPGRADE.
After upgrading, you start renting referrals to build to at least 2000 (this will take some time.. but your patience will pay off)
Problems you will experience. Cashing out too early. This is very common among impatient members. The minimum cash out could be working towards increasing your future earnings.
Skipping days or Just quitting. If you are among those who love to leave "money on the table" to chase all new offers, then do not register. Your financial plan and progress will be delayed.
Do Not register 2 or more accounts using the same IP address, Avoid using library or InterNet Cafe computers since the cache is normally not cleared. UNLESS, it is part of the program to have 2 accounts using the same IP address, Your accounts will be suspended or terminated. Each account MUST have a different IP address.
You Got Help! How to rent referrals at NeoBux? First, go to your account summary by clicking on your username. If you don't have available funds in your rental balance, click the "Rental Balance" link in your Account Summary page and you'll find options on how to add funds to it.
If you need to know how much you'll need, just follow the next step. *On the top of your click charts, you'll see a "Referrals" button. *Click on it. You'll be presented with the available packs to rent. *Just hover your mouse cursor over the available packs to know its value. The packs shown in gray are available but there's not enough money in your rental balance to rent them. *Pick a green pack and confirm. The referrals will then be added to your account. NOTE: Golden membership have different referral rental options.
**Is that high pay per click site by a know scam artist? Check PTC-Investigations at least monthly
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